A brush with Punch and Judy - Part 1

A brush with Punch and Judy - Part 1

A brush with Punch and Judy - Part 1

One morning, Judy was on her way to yoga.
‘You’ll be okay with the baby won’t you?’ Judy said as she left.
‘Oh yes, you bet’ said Mr Punch confidently.
‘Just don’t lose him’ she said breezily as the door shut.
‘As if ’ said Punch. He looked at the baby. The baby looked at him.
‘Park’ declared Mr Punch.
‘Push my possum to the park, push my possum to the park’ sang
Mr Punch as he pushed the buggy down the pavement past the
Vegan Café and into the park.
‘Push my possum past the policeman’ sang Mr Punch as he
nodded ‘hello’ to the policeman who was having some very serious
words with a group of young boys who had knocked an old lady’s
hat into the lake with their frisbee.


‘Here’s some bread. You can feed it to the ducks’ Punch said
giving a crust to the baby. The baby threw the crust into Mr
Punch’s eye.
‘Here’s a grape. You like grapes’ The baby threw the grape
to the ducks.
‘Here’s a ball. We can play catch’. He threw the ball to the
baby and the baby ignored it.
‘It’s difficult being a dad’ sighed Mr Punch as he walked off
to fetch the ball from the trees.
When he returned, horror upon horror upon horror upon
horror, baby ... had gone.


He looked around. Where was he? Where could he be?
And then, the baby went past. On a skateboard.
On. A. Skateboard.
Mr Punch set off after him.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, just at that moment, Judy
walked past on her way back from yoga.
‘I’m dead’ thought Mr Punch
Judy started running after both of them.
A park keeper who was brushing up some leaves saw the
commotion ‘Not in my park you don’t,’ he shouted and set
off after them waving his brush at them.