A brush with Punch and Judy - Part 2
Now the baby had picked up speed and was heading for the lake.
Nearer and nearer and closer and closer to the lake when suddenly
the policeman, having returned the hat to the old lady, reached
out a big hand and grabbed the baby.
Punch, Judy and the park keeper all crashed into each other.
Everyone was in a flap and a fluster. The baby started crying.
‘Bananas. We need bananas, ‘ said Judy decisively and produced a
bunch of bananas from her rucksack.
The baby’s face lit up and he beamed a big baby smile.
‘Bananas’ he said. It was the only word he could say.
‘Bananas. Bananas. Bananas.’
But someone else liked bananas. The crocodile that lived in the
And he popped two beady eyes out of the water and spied his
favourite fruit.
‘Bananas. I love bananas,’ he said as he lolloped out of the lake
wearing his familiar devilish smile.
The baby and Judy and the policeman and the Park Keeper all
stood very still as the crocodile locked his beady eyes onto the
banana which baby was about to munch on.
Suddenly Mr Punch grabbed the Park Keeper’s brush.
‘That is a sensational smile you have there,’ he said.
‘Why thank you’ said the crocodile.
‘Let’s keep it that way’ said Mr Punch and he began brushing the
crocodile’s teeth with the Park Keeper’s brush.
The crocodile was in heaven. He loved this like a cat loves being
stroked or a dog loves being tickled and his grin got bigger and
bigger and bigger.
‘That’s the way to do it’ Mr Punch said as he brushed away.
The baby smiled. Judy smiled. You couldn’t move for smiles.
Everyone agreed. ‘That’s the way to do it.’